6人因谋杀一名在亚特兰大被枪杀的男子而被捕,这名男子涉嫌私闯汽车。 Six people were arrested for the murder of a man shot in Atlanta, suspected in car break-ins.
六名个人因涉嫌在8月份在亚特兰大遇害一名头部受枪伤的男子而被捕. Six individuals have been arrested in connection with the murder of a man found with a gunshot wound to the head in Atlanta in August. 受害人涉嫌多车闯入,在西中城公寓的Mark停车场被发现。 The victim, suspected of multiple car break-ins, was found in the parking lot of the Mark at West Midtown apartments. 所有6名嫌疑人都被指控犯有谋杀罪,尽管他们在枪击中的具体作用尚未披露。 All six suspects are charged with murder, though their specific roles in the shooting have not been disclosed. 当局仍在调查该案件。 Authorities are still investigating the case.