22岁的Thomas Elliot 承认偷窥罪 被判三年缓刑 Thomas Elliot, 22, pleaded guilty to peeping and was sentenced to three years' probation.
22岁的Thomas Elliot对四起秘密偷窥罪认罪,被判处三年缓刑,无需登记为性犯罪人。 Thomas Elliot, 22, pleaded guilty to four counts of secret peeping and was sentenced to three years of probation without being required to register as a sex offender. Elliot于4月被捕,因为他把他的手机放在Greenville一家目标商店的女装下。 Elliot was arrested in April for placing his cellphone under a woman's dress at a Target store in Greenville. 他必须为受害者提供社区服务并支付辅导费用。 He must perform community service and pay for counseling sessions for the victims. 地区检察官指出,没有事先定罪助长了缓刑。 The district attorney noted the lack of prior convictions contributed to the probationary sentence.