Thomas Rees因在Darlington的一所学校附近露面而被捕,当时一名受害者拍摄了他的面包车照片。 Thomas Rees was arrested for exposing himself near a school in Darlington after a victim took his van's photo.
28岁的Thomas Rees于1月17日在Darlington的一所学校附近露面并从事性行为后被捕。 Thomas Rees, 28, was arrested after exposing himself and performing sex acts near a school in Darlington on January 17. 一名妇女设法拍摄了他的面包车登记照片,从而获得他的身份证明。 A woman managed to capture photos of his van's registration, leading to his identification. 在他手机上发现了九起类似的罪行,他在法庭上承认有九项罪名。 Nine similar offenses were found on his phone, and he admitted to nine counts of exposure in court. Daniela Jones警探 赞美了受害人的行动 帮助抓获了罪犯 Detective Constable Daniela Jones praised the victim's actions that helped catch the perpetrator.