Realtor.com预测2025年住房市场更经济实惠, predicts a more affordable 2025 housing market due to lower rates and increased inventory, favoring Southern and Western cities.
com预测房贷利率将在2025年下降,住房存量将在2025年增加,使一些城市的市场更加负担得起。 forecasts that mortgage rates will decrease and housing inventory will increase in 2025, making the market more affordable in some cities. 预计科罗拉多斯普林斯将领先十大市场,主要在南部和西部,以较低的生活费用、强劲的销售增长和较年轻的人口而闻名。 Colorado Springs is predicted to lead the top 10 markets, which are mostly in the South and West, known for lower costs of living, strong sales growth, and a younger population. 预测表明,由于灵活的工作选项和政府支持的贷款,这些领域将吸引更多的买家,尽管当地代理人对这些预测的准确性表示怀疑。 The forecast suggests that these areas will attract more buyers due to flexible work options and government-backed loans, although local agents doubt the accuracy of these predictions.