行人被逃跑的司机撞倒;堪萨斯城 Troost 大道附近的受害者情况危急。 Pedestrian hit by driver who fled; victim in critical condition near Troost Avenue in Kansas City.
周二晚上6时30分左右,密苏里州堪萨斯市82Terrace和Troost大道附近发生了一起肇事逃逸的事故。 一辆行人在穿过Troost大道时被一辆向北行人汽车撞中,并留下危及生命的伤痕。 A hit-and-run accident occurred near 82nd Terrace and Troost Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday evening around 6:30 p.m. A pedestrian was struck by a northbound vehicle while crossing Troost Avenue and was left with life-threatening injuries. 司机没有停下就逃离现场。 The driver fled the scene without stopping. 堪萨斯市密苏里警察局正在调查并寻求公众信息。 The Kansas City Missouri Police Department is investigating and seeking information from the public.