两名行人被一辆本田雅致在堪萨斯城撞上; 一个是危急的,另一个是严重的. Two pedestrians were hit by a Honda Accord in Kansas City; one is critical, the other serious.
周六清晨,在堪萨斯城,两名行人在 39 街和宾夕法尼亚州的十字路口被一辆蓝色的本田雅阁撞倒。 Early Saturday morning in Kansas City, two pedestrians were struck by a blue Honda Accord at the intersection of 39th and Pennsylvania. 这些行人穿过街道时,一辆开着绿灯的车辆击中了他们。 The pedestrians were crossing the street when the vehicle, which had a green light, hit them. 一人行人情况危急,一人行人情况严重,两人都住院。 One pedestrian is in critical condition and the other in serious condition, both hospitalized. 司机留在现场,没有受伤迹象;调查仍在进行中。 The driver remained at the scene and showed no signs of impairment; the investigation is ongoing.