Mecedes-Benz将董事会与新领导人重组, 以便在中国销售量下降的同时提高效率。 Mercedes-Benz reshuffles its board with new leaders to boost efficiency amid declining sales in China.
梅塞德斯 -本斯正在重组董事会 几位关键执行官退休了 新领导人接任 Mercedes-Benz is reshuffling its board, with several key executives retiring and new leaders taking over. 值得注意的变化包括:Britta Seeger担任新的首席人力资源干事,Mathias Geisen担任首席销售干事。 Notable changes include Britta Seeger becoming the new Chief Human Resources Officer and Mathias Geisen taking the Chief Sales Officer role. 该公司旨在更新其领导层,以提高效率和盈利能力,特别是在中国销售量下降的情况下。 The company aims to refresh its leadership to boost efficiency and profitability, especially in the face of declining sales in China.