马尼托巴原住民大会表示需要更多时间来实施新的儿童福利措施。 Manitoba's Assembly of First Nations says it needs more time to implement new child welfare measures.
马尼托巴第一民族大会表示,它不准备执行酋长最近关于儿童福利的指示。 The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) in Manitoba has stated it is not ready to implement a recent directive from chiefs concerning child welfare. 新生力量强调,需要更多的时间来筹备和确保适当执行新的儿童福利措施。 The AFN emphasized the need for more time to prepare and ensure the proper implementation of the new child welfare measures. 这项宣布是在目前讨论改善对该省土著儿童和家庭的支持和服务时宣布的。 This announcement comes amid ongoing discussions about improving support and services for Indigenous children and families in the province.