马尼托巴省对儿童福利制度进行了改革,将土著亲属照料列为优先事项,并拨款1 000万加元。 Manitoba implements changes to child welfare system, prioritizing Indigenous kinship care and allocating $10M.
马尼托巴省对其儿童福利制度进行了改革,旨在使家庭,特别是土著家庭团结在一起。 Manitoba has implemented changes to its child welfare system aimed at keeping families together, especially Indigenous families. 新的政策允许儿童留在亲属身边或留在社区内,而不是接受正式照料。 New policies allow children to remain with extended relatives or within their communities rather than entering formal care. 由于约80%的受照料儿童是土著人,政府拨款1 000万美元支持亲属和习惯照料协议。 With about 80% of children in care being Indigenous, the government allocated $10 million to support kinship and customary care agreements. 这些变化从10月1日起生效,符合真相与和解委员会的建议。 These changes, effective October 1, align with recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.