Lewis Mackie,21岁,出庭受审,被控企图用汽车殴打一名警官,以此谋杀该警官。 Lewis Mackie, 21, appeared in court accused of attempting to murder a police officer by hitting him with his car.
Lewis Mackie, 21岁,出现在爱丁堡法院,被控企图谋杀一名警官,当时他在星期五清晨逃避一次拦截未遂时,用他的汽车殴打他。 Lewis Mackie, 21, appeared in Edinburgh court accused of attempting to murder a police officer after hitting him with his car while fleeing from a stop attempt early Friday morning. 该名军官住院,后来获释。 The officer was hospitalized and later released. Mackie还面临盗窃、无保险驾驶和其他交通犯罪的指控。 Mackie also faces charges of theft, driving without insurance, and other traffic offenses. 他没有认罪,并被还押拘留。 He did not enter a plea and was remanded in custody.