47岁前北爱尔兰警官William McBurnie认罪,他于12月将车撞入一个殡仪馆,企图谋杀他的前女友和她的母亲。 47-yr-old ex-Northern Irish police officer, William McBurnie, pleaded guilty to attempting to murder his ex-girlfriend and her mother by crashing his car into a funeral home in December.
William McBurnie, 47岁,前北爱尔兰警官,因企图谋杀其前女友Zoe Turnbull和她的母亲Beverley而认罪,2022年12月,他将车撞入苏格兰吉德堡的一所殡仪馆。 William McBurnie, a 47-year-old former Northern Irish police officer, pleaded guilty to attempting to murder his ex-girlfriend, Zoe Turnbull, and her mother, Beverley, by crashing his car into a funeral home in Jedburgh, Scotland, in December 2022. 喝得酩酊大醉的麦克伯尼一直在为这段关系的结束而挣扎,并对佐伊表现出令人震惊的行为。 McBurnie, who was heavily intoxicated, had struggled with the relationship's end and exhibited alarming behavior towards Zoe. 两名妇女都受轻伤,McBurnie正在服刑。 Both women sustained minor injuries, and McBurnie awaits sentencing.