国际山日突出了山区在气候变化威胁下对可持续性的作用。 International Mountain Day highlights the role of mountains in sustainability amid threats from climate change.
12月11日国际山日突显山地的重要性,山地占地球土地的27%,支持生物多样性,并提供水和食物等重要资源。 International Mountain Day on December 11 highlights the importance of mountains, which cover 27% of Earth's land, supporting biodiversity and providing vital resources like water and food. 今年的主题“可持续未来的山区解决办法”, 重点是创新、适应和青年参与。 This year's theme, "Mountain solutions for a sustainable future," focuses on innovation, adaptation, and youth involvement. 山岳面临气候变化和过度使用的威胁。 Mountains face threats from climate change and overuse. 该日旨在促进保护和可持续做法,以保护这些生态系统及其文化意义。 The day aims to promote conservation and sustainable practices to protect these ecosystems and their cultural significance.