世界领导人在印度聚集一堂,讨论至关重要的第三极区域的紧急气候行动和保护问题。 World leaders gathered in India to discuss urgent climate action and conservation in the vital Third Pole region.
在古瓦哈提举行的第12届东喜马拉雅山自然学家论坛聚集了来自15个国家的领导人,讨论对南亚和东南亚气候调控和流域至关重要的第三个极需要采取的紧急气候行动。 The 12th Eastern Himalayan Naturenomics Forum, held in Guwahati, gathered leaders from 15 countries to address urgent climate action needed in the Third Pole, a region vital for climate regulation and watersheds in South and Southeast Asia. 讨论强调建设再生经济,吸收当地知识,以保护生态系统。 Discussions emphasized building a regenerative economy and incorporating local knowledge to protect ecosystems. 这次活动强调可再生能源、流域管理和野生生物保护,最终向14名保护者和社区领袖颁奖。 The event highlighted renewable energy, watershed management, and wildlife conservation, culminating in awards for 14 conservationists and community leaders.