巴基斯坦的瓜达尔港已全面投入运营,促进了贸易和大米出口。 Gwadar Port in Pakistan becomes fully operational, boosting trade and rice exports.
巴基斯坦的Gwadar港现已全面投入运行,能够用不超过50 000DWT的船只装卸一般货物和集装箱。 Gwadar Port in Pakistan is now fully operational, capable of handling general cargo and containers with vessels up to 50,000 DWT. 它已根据《阿富汗-巴基斯坦过境贸易协定》处理了多批贸易货运。 It has processed multiple trade shipments under the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement. 稻米出口预计将在本财政年度达到50亿美元,从7月到10月价值增长48.81%,数量增长43.77%。 Rice exports are expected to reach $5 billion this fiscal year, with a 48.81% increase in value and a 43.77% rise in quantity from July to October. 政府还正在制定立法,以遏制社交媒体上的假新闻。 The government is also working on legislation to curb fake news on social media.