巴基斯坦的非纺织品出口在四个月内猛增17.6%, 由工程、水泥、珠宝和石油驱动。 Pakistan's non-textile exports soar 17.6% in four months, driven by engineering, cement, jewelry, and petroleum.
在本财政年度头四个月,巴基斯坦的非纺织品出口猛增17.6%,从40.2亿美元增至47.3亿美元。 During the first four months of the fiscal year, Pakistan's non-textile exports surged by 17.6%, reaching $4.73 billion from $4.02 billion. 这一增长的关键贡献者包括工程部门,增长31%,水泥,增长12%。 Key contributors to this growth include the engineering sector, up 31%, and cement, up 12%. 珠宝和石油产品出口显示出惊人的增长率,分别为100%和530%。 Jewelry and petroleum product exports showed extraordinary growth of 100% and 530%, respectively. 这一趋势显示出向高价值出口的转变,有可能加强巴基斯坦的全球市场地位。 This trend indicates a shift towards higher-value exports, potentially strengthening Pakistan's global market position.