巴基斯坦规定50%的进口品通过瓜达尔港,以促进业务和支持俾路支省的发展。 Pakistan mandates 50% of imports to pass through Gwadar Port to boost operations and support Balochistan's development.
巴基斯坦联邦内阁由总理谢赫巴兹·谢里夫领导,授权政府机构通过瓜达尔港运送50%的进口货物,包括小麦、糖和化肥,以加强其业务并支持俾路支省的发展。 The Pakistani Federal Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, has mandated that government agencies route 50% of imports, including wheat, sugar, and fertilizer, through Gwadar Port to enhance its operations and support Balochistan's development. 内阁还计划增加未来通过港口的出口,并成立了一个小组委员会,每季度监测贸易活动。 The Cabinet also plans to increase future exports via the port and formed a subcommittee for quarterly monitoring of trade activities. 此外,与斯里兰卡签署的谅解备忘录获准发行纪念75年外交关系的邮政邮票。 Additionally, a MoU with Sri Lanka was approved to issue a commemorative postal stamp marking 75 years of diplomatic relations.