Google揭幕Gemini 2.0, 这是2025年与Chrome和YouTube等产品整合的先进的AI模型。 Google unveils Gemini 2.0, an advanced AI model set to integrate with products like Chrome and YouTube in 2025.
Google推出Gemini 2.0, 这是一种先进的人工智能模型, 标志着人工智能能力的飞跃。 Google has launched Gemini 2.0, an advanced AI model that marks a significant leap in AI capabilities. 该模型名为Gemini 2.0 Flash,比其前身更快、更聪明,其性能和生成图像和文本等多式联运产出的能力得到了提高。 The model, named Gemini 2.0 Flash, is faster and smarter than its predecessor, with enhanced performance and the ability to generate multimodal outputs like images and text. 它还可以直接与谷歌搜索等工具进行互动。 It can also interact with tools like Google Search directly. 最初可供开发者和测试组使用,计划在2025年初扩大提供范围,与谷歌产品如Chrome和YouTube相结合。 Initially available for developers and test groups, wider availability is planned for early 2025, with integration into Google products like Chrome and YouTube. 尽管面临竞争和潜在的反托拉斯行动,谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai仍然对AI的未来感到乐观。 Despite facing competition and potential antitrust actions, Google CEO Sundar Pichai remains optimistic about the future of AI.