塞浦路斯部署了新的海水淡化厂,以应对因旱冬造成的严重缺水问题。 Cyprus deploys new desalination plants to combat severe water shortages due to dry winters.
塞浦路斯正在加紧使用海水淡化厂,以解决干燥的冬季造成的缺水问题,这些冬季使塞浦路斯108座水坝的容量只有25%。 Cyprus is stepping up its use of desalination plants to deal with water shortages caused by dry winters, which have left its 108 dams at just 25% of capacity. 农业和环境部长宣布4个新的移动海水淡化厂从10月开始启用,每个厂每天生产3万立方米的水。 The Agriculture and Environment Minister announced four new mobile desalination plants starting in October, each producing 30,000 cubic meters of water daily. 较长期的计划包括扩大现有工厂和建造两个新的工厂,使淡水产量在大约十年内翻一番。 Longer-term plans include expanding existing plants and building two new ones, doubling fresh water production over about a decade.