希腊考虑制定法律,允许旅馆在水池中使用海水,以便在干旱期间节省淡水。 Greece considers law to allow hotels to use seawater in pools to save freshwater during drought.
希腊正在考虑新的立法,允许受干旱影响的岛屿上的旅馆用海水填充其游泳池。 Greece is considering new legislation to allow hotels on drought-stricken islands to fill their swimming pools with seawater. 这一行动旨在保护水资源,因为该国面临严重干旱,而且由于旅游季节的紧张而更加严重。 This move aims to conserve water resources as the country faces severe drought, worsened by the strain of the tourist season. 旅游部副部长Elena Rapti宣布了消除海水使用的法律障碍的计划,立法草案的重点是规范海水的抽取和游泳池抽水。 Deputy Minister of Tourism Elena Rapti announced plans to remove legal barriers for seawater use, with the draft legislation focusing on regulating its extraction and pumping for swimming pools.