在Bijapur,一名毛派成员被打死,两名安全人员在冲突中受伤,简易爆炸装置爆炸。 In Bijapur, a Maoist was killed, and two security personnel were injured during a clash and IED blast.
在查蒂斯加尔省比贾普尔,在一次针对毛派领导人的行动中,一名毛派成员在一次枪战和简易爆炸装置爆炸中丧生,两名安全人员受伤。 In Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, a Maoist was killed and two security personnel were injured in a gunfight and IED blast during an operation targeting Maoist leaders. 地区预备队队发现了一把9毫米手枪,一枚自爆炸弹,遥控开关和其他毛派材料. The District Reserve Guard team recovered a 9mm pistol, an IED, remote switches, and other Maoist materials. 伤员被送往当地一家医院,搜查行动仍在继续。 The injured were taken to a local hospital and the search operation continues.