一项研究发现,在北极植树可能会加剧全球变暖,而不是帮助全球变暖。 A study finds that tree planting in the Arctic may worsen global warming instead of helping it.
一项研究表明,在北极大规模植树可能会加剧全球变暖,而不是缓解全球变暖。 A study suggests that large-scale tree planting in the Arctic may worsen global warming rather than mitigate it. 研究表明,树木覆盖率的增加可能会破坏当地的气候和碳平衡,从而导致变暖效应。 The research indicates that increased tree cover could disrupt local climate and carbon balance, leading to a warming effect. 它强调了了解区域生态系统的重要性,并推荐了替代方案,例如支持驯鹿等本地食草动物,以维护苔原景观并减少永久冻土融化。 It emphasizes the importance of understanding regional ecosystems and recommends alternatives, such as supporting native herbivores like caribou, to maintain tundra landscapes and reduce permafrost thaw.