一个英国穆斯林团体指控GB新闻有偏见的穆斯林报导,促使人们呼吁采取管制行动。 A UK Muslim group accuses GB News of biased Muslim coverage, prompting calls for regulatory action.
英国穆斯林理事会媒体监测中心(CMM)发表一份报告, 批评英国广播公司新闻(GB News)对穆斯林报导的偏见和负面报导, The Centre for Media Monitoring (CMM) at the Muslim Council of Britain has released a report criticizing GB News for its allegedly biased and negative coverage of Muslims, accounting for almost 50% of UK news mentions over two years. GB News驳回了这些指称,认为其不准确,是企图压制言论自由。 GB News has dismissed the claims as inaccurate and an attempt to suppress free speech. 报告强调了人们对该频道将穆斯林描绘成对英国价值观的威胁的关切,并呼吁采取监管行动,解决可能煽动暴力和歧视的问题。 The report highlights concerns about the channel's portrayal of Muslims as threats to British values and calls for regulatory action to address potential incitement of violence and discrimination.