两名游客在恶劣天气期间在巴厘猴林落下一棵树时死亡。 Two tourists died when a tree fell on them at Bali's Monkey Forest during severe weather.
两名游客(一名来自法国,另一名来自韩国)因暴雨和强风在乌布德的巴厘猴林落下一棵大棵树而死亡。 Two tourists, one from France and another from South Korea, died after a large tree fell on them at Bali's Monkey Forest in Ubud due to heavy rains and strong winds. 在闭路电视上捕捉到的这一事件显示,逃离现场的游客惊吓人心。 The incident, captured on CCTV, showed terrified tourists fleeing the scene. 该地区已被疏散并关闭,以便进行调查。 The area has been evacuated and closed for investigation. 将举行传统的清洗仪式,以纪念受害者。 A traditional cleansing ceremony will be held in honor of the victims.