土耳其在47%的通胀率下开始2025年最低工资谈判,目的是将工资提高25%。 Turkey begins 2025 minimum wage talks amid 47% inflation, aiming for a 25% wage increase.
关于土耳其2025年最低工资的谈判于12月10日开始,涉及工人、雇主和政府代表。 Negotiations for Turkey's 2025 minimum wage began on December 10, involving workers, employers, and government representatives. 由于47%的年通货膨胀率,目前每月最低工资约为488美元,这被视为不足。 The current minimum wage of around $488 per month is seen as insufficient due to 47% annual inflation. 市场预期要求提高25%的工资,尽管工会要求更多。 Market expectations call for a 25% wage increase, though labor unions demand more. 经济学家警告说,提高工资可能会增加通货膨胀,从而危及2025年的通货膨胀目标。 Economists warn that higher wages could add to inflation, risking the 2025 inflation target. 国际货币基金组织建议提供有针对性的财政援助,而不是广泛提高工资。 The International Monetary Fund recommends targeted financial aid instead of broad wage hikes. 会谈于12月31日结束,影响到大约900万工人。 The talks, affecting about 9 million workers, conclude by December 31.