土耳其中央银行将2025年的通货膨胀率预测提高到24%, Turkey's central bank raises 2025 inflation forecast to 24%, citing food and CPI changes.
土耳其中央银行将2025年的通货膨胀率预测从21%提高到24%,其中引用了货币无法控制的因素,如消费物价指数篮子的变化和粮食通货膨胀。 Turkey's central bank raised its inflation forecast for 2025 to 24% from 21%, citing factors beyond monetary control, such as changes in the CPI basket and food inflation. 总督法蒂赫·卡拉汉强调说,预测的调整并不表示货币政策发生变化,银行仍致力于其消减通货膨胀战略。 Governor Fatih Karahan emphasized that the forecast adjustment does not signal a change in monetary policy, and the bank remains committed to its disinflation strategy. 该银行旨在长期将通货膨胀率稳定在5%。 The bank aims to stabilize inflation at 5% in the long term.