德国的三名青年男子因据称计划发动伊斯兰极端主义攻击而被捕。 Three young men in Germany were arrested for allegedly planning an Islamic extremist attack.
德国的三名男子,包括两名15和20岁的德国-黎巴嫩兄弟和一名22岁的德国-土耳其男子,因据称准备发动伊斯兰极端主义攻击而被捕。 Three men in Germany, including two German-Lebanese brothers aged 15 and 20 and a 22-year-old German-Turkish man, were arrested for allegedly preparing an Islamic extremist attack. 当局发现了一支突击步枪、弹药、一辆巴拉克拉瓦、一件防护背心和几把刀。 Authorities found an assault rifle, ammunition, a balaclava, a protective vest, and several knives. 尽管有这些调查结果,但公众并没有面临具体危险,也没有确定具体的攻击计划或目标。 Despite the findings, there was no concrete danger to the public, and no specific attack plan or target was identified. 在进一步调查之前,这些嫌疑人被拘押。 The suspects are held in custody pending further investigation.