德国拘留了两名涉嫌策划反对瑞典议会的伊斯兰分子。 Germany detains two suspected of Islamist plot against Swedish parliament.
德国逮捕了两名涉嫌伊斯兰国成员的阿富汗国民,他们涉嫌计划袭击瑞典议会,以报复瑞典焚烧古兰经的事件。 Germany arrests two Afghan nationals, suspected of being Islamic State members, for allegedly planning an attack on the Swedish parliament in retaliation for Koran burnings in Sweden. 嫌疑人 Ibrahim MG 和 Ramin N 在格拉被拘留,并计划在斯德哥尔摩议会附近使用枪械杀害警察和其他人。 The suspects, Ibrahim MG and Ramin N, were detained in Gera and planned to use firearms to kill police officers and others near the parliament in Stockholm. 他们于2023年加入“伊斯兰国”呼罗珊省,并为该组织筹集了约2000欧元,旨在帮助叙利亚北部被监禁的“伊斯兰国”成员。 They joined IS Khorasan Province in 2023 and collected around 2,000 euros for the organization, which was intended to help imprisoned IS members in northern Syria.