学生争取自由西藏组织发起全球运动, 要求西藏人在人权日释放西藏人。 Students For Free Tibet initiates global campaign for Tibetans' release on Human Rights Day.
学生争取自由西藏组织在国际人权日发起「人权宣言」运动, 要求释放中国关押的五名西藏政治犯。 Students For Free Tibet launched a "Write for Rights" campaign on International Human Rights Day to demand the release of five Tibetan political prisoners held by China. 该运动通过向中国大使馆提供在线请愿书和明信片敦促全球参与。 The campaign urges global participation through online petitions and postcards to Chinese embassies. 它强调了被拘留的西藏人,包括环保人士、作家和歌手的困境,并旨在提高对西藏侵犯人权问题的认识。 It highlights the plight of detained Tibetans, including environmentalists, writers, and singers, and aims to raise awareness of human rights abuses in Tibet.