火箭实验室在亚轨道发射中成功测试了美国军方的超音速技术。 Rocket Lab successfully tested hypersonic technology for the U.S. military in a suborbital launch.
11月,美国火箭实验室完成了一次成功的亚轨道发射,为美国国防部测试超音速技术。 Rocket Lab USA completed a successful suborbital launch in November to test hypersonic technology for the U.S. Department of Defense. 测试是海面战争中心管理的MACH-TB项目的一部分,目的是推进超音速飞行技术。 The test, part of the MACH-TB project managed by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, aims to advance hypersonic flight technology. 火箭实验室认为这是在展示其能力和支持美国技术发展方面迈出的重要一步。 Rocket Lab sees this as a significant step in showcasing its capabilities and supporting U.S. technology development.