美国、英国和澳大利亚根据AUKUS条约,在2028年之前加速超音速导弹试验。 US, UK, and Australia to accelerate hypersonic missile testing by 2028 under AUKUS pact.
美国、英国和澳大利亚已同意根据《美国UKUS协定》加速超音速导弹试验。 The US, UK, and Australia have agreed to accelerate hypersonic missile testing under the AUKUS pact. " 超音速飞行试验和实验项目安排 " 将使到2028年能够利用共享的设施和专门知识开展多达6次联合试验活动。 The Hypersonic Flight Test and Experimentation Project Arrangement will enable up to six joint test campaigns by 2028, leveraging shared facilities and expertise. 这项2.52亿美元的倡议旨在加强胜战技术和维持和平,同时在联合王国创造高技能的就业机会和采购机会。 The $252 million initiative aims to enhance battle-winning technology and maintain peace, while also creating high-skilled jobs and procurement opportunities in the UK.