美国宇航局的高超音速技术项目旨在与工业界、学术界和其他机构合作,到 2050 年开发可重复使用的太空高超音速飞行器。 NASA's Hypersonic Technology project aims to develop reusable hypersonic vehicles for space access by 2050, collaborating with industry, academia, and other agencies.
美国宇航局的高超音速技术项目旨在到2030年代开发可重复使用的高超音速飞行器,到2050年,这些飞行器可能成为两级太空飞行器的第一级。 NASA's Hypersonic Technology project aims to develop reusable hypersonic vehicles by the 2030s, which could potentially serve as the first stage in a two-stage space access vehicle by 2050. 该项目分为四个主要研究领域:系统级设计、分析和验证;推进技术;车辆技术;高温耐久材料。 The project is divided into four main research areas: system-level design, analysis, and validation; propulsion technologies; vehicle technologies; and high-temperature durable materials. 它与工业界、学术界和其他政府机构合作,利用他们的专业知识、设施和计算工具来推动高超音速飞行的技术发展。 It collaborates with industry, academia, and other government agencies, utilizing their expertise, facilities, and computational tools to advance the state of the art in hypersonic flight.