Parsons和V2X组成极地科学联盟,对80亿美元的NSF南极支助合同进行投标。 Parsons and V2X form Polar Science Alliance to bid on an $8 billion NSF Antarctic support contract.
Parsons公司和V2X公司成立了极地科学联盟,为国家科学基金会80亿美元的南极科学和工程支助合同投标。 Parsons Corporation and V2X have formed Polar Science Alliance (PSA) to bid on the National Science Foundation's $8 billion Antarctic Science and Engineering Support Contract. 这项合同支持美国南极方案二十年。 This contract supports the United States Antarctic Program for two decades. PSA将Parsons55年来的极地经验与V2X在大规模极地作业方面的广泛历史结合起来,为南极的科学研究提供先进的技术和支助服务。 PSA combines Parsons' 55 years of polar experience and V2X's extensive history in large-scale polar operations to offer advanced technology and support services for scientific research in Antarctica.