由于诊断晚期和社会经济因素,爱尔兰中西部地区癌症存活率较低。 Midwest Ireland sees lower cancer survival rates due to late diagnoses and socioeconomic factors.
爱尔兰国家癌症登记处报告说,中西部地区结肠切除、肺部、乳房和前列腺等常见癌症的五年存活率大大低于全国平均水平。 The National Cancer Registry of Ireland reports that the Midwest region has significantly lower five-year survival rates for common cancers like colorectal, lung, breast, and prostate, compared to national averages. 诸如诊断迟缓和社会经济差距等因素被认为是造成这些差距的因素之一。 Factors like late diagnosis and socioeconomic disparities are believed to contribute to these disparities. 报告还指出,由于该流行病,2020-2021年癌症诊断短缺10%。 The report also notes a 10% shortfall in cancer diagnoses in 2020-2021 due to the pandemic.