工党以压倒性优势赢得英国大选,但创纪录的选民波动暴露了投票系统的缺陷。 Labour wins UK election in landslide, but record voter volatility exposes flaws in voting system.
根据选举改革学会(ERS)的说法,2024年英国大选记录了选民的波动,四个政党获得的选票超过10%,这是联合王国历史上最不相称的结果。 The 2024 UK general election saw record voter volatility, with four parties receiving over 10% of the vote, marking the most disproportionate result in UK history, according to the Electoral Reform Society (ERS). 尽管只获得33.7%的选票,但劳工仍赢得了411个席位的滑坡胜出。 Labour secured a landslide win with 411 seats despite receiving only 33.7% of the vote. ERS批评“先得后得”制度, 认为该制度不适合多党制。 The ERS criticized the 'first-past-the-post' system, suggesting it is ill-suited to a multi-party system. 投票率是自普选开始以来第二低,为59.9%。 Turnout was the second-lowest since universal suffrage began, at 59.9%.