YouGov 预测工党将赢得创纪录的 422 个席位,保守党则将获得 140 个席位,创一个多世纪以来的最低纪录。 Labour forecast for record election win with 422 seats, Conservatives at lowest in over a century with 140 seats, according to YouGov.
据民意调查机构 YouGov 显示,英国工党预计将在下个月的大选中获得 422 个席位,创下选举纪录。 UK's Labour party forecast for record election win with 422 seats in next month's general election, according to pollsters YouGov. 预计首相里希·苏纳克领导的保守党将获得 140 个席位,创一个多世纪以来的最低纪录。 Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservatives predicted to be at their lowest total in over a century with 140 seats. 民意调查预测工党将获得 194 个席位,比 1997 年托尼·布莱尔领导下的胜利还要多。 The poll predicted a 194-seat majority for Labour, bigger than their win under Tony Blair in 1997. 保守党可能在伦敦、东北部、西北部和威尔士等多个地区面临“近乎全军覆没”的境地。 Conservatives could face "near wipeout" in several areas, including London, the North East, the North West, and Wales.