爱尔兰政治家埃恩·海斯因过去在以色列军方的Palantir股份而面临审查. Irish politician Eoin Hayes faces scrutiny over past shares in Palantir, which aids Israeli military.
爱尔兰政客Eoin Hayes是新当选的社会民主党人, 面对他持有的Palantir Technology股份的审查, Palantir Technology是一家向以色列军方提供科技的美国公司。 Irish politician Eoin Hayes, a newly elected Social Democrats TD, is facing scrutiny over shares he held in Palantir Technologies, a US company that supplies technology to the Israeli military. Hayes在2015年至2017年期间为Palantir工作,并获得股票,作为其整套报酬方案的一部分。 Hayes worked for Palantir from 2015 to 2017 and received shares as part of his compensation package. 他声称,在对该公司与以色列国防军的关系“极为关切”之后,他出售了股份,但没有透露销售发生的时间或他所赚的利润。 He claims he sold the shares after becoming "greatly concerned" about the company's relationship with the Israeli Defense Forces but has not disclosed when the sale occurred or the profit he made. Palantir的技术用于确定加沙的目标。 Palantir's technology is used to identify targets in Gaza. 海耶斯坚称,他对自己的撤资一直保持透明,并支持他的政党在加沙冲突上的立场。 Hayes maintains he has been transparent about his divestment and supports his party's stance on the Gaza conflict.