欧洲监管者探寻谷歌-Meta ad deal 秘密针对青少年的交易,绕过网上安全规则。 European regulators probe secret Google-Meta ad deal targeting teens, bypassing online safety rules.
欧洲监管者正在调查谷歌与Meta之间的秘密广告合作伙伴关系, European regulators are investigating a secret advertising partnership between Google and Meta, which allegedly bypassed Google's rules on handling minors online. 该伙伴关系针对13-17岁的青少年,此后被取消。 The partnership targeted teens aged 13-17 and has since been canceled. Google声称对青少年有强有力的保护,并向其销售团队提供了培训。 Google claims to have strong protections for teens and has provided training to its sales teams. 欧洲委员会正在寻求更多信息,以决定是否采取行动。 The European Commission is seeking more information to decide whether to take action.