欧盟委员会指控 Meta 的“付费或同意”广告模式违反了欧盟的 DMA。 European Commission charges Meta with breaching EU's DMA over its "pay or consent" ad model.
欧盟委员会指控 Meta 因其新的“付费或同意”广告模式违反了欧盟的《数字市场法案》(DMA)。 The European Commission has charged Meta with breaching the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) due to its new "pay or consent" advertising model. 去年 11 月,Meta 在欧洲推出了针对 Facebook 和 Instagram 的无广告订阅服务。 This follows Meta's launch of a no-ads subscription service for Facebook and Instagram in Europe last November. 欧盟声称,Meta 让用户选择支付订阅费或允许该公司使用他们的数据进行定向广告,从而违反了竞争法。 The EU claims that Meta is violating competition law by giving users the choice of paying a subscription fee or allowing the company to use their data for targeted advertising.