司法部报告指控伍斯特警方性行为不端、过度使用武力和种族偏见。 DOJ report accuses Worcester police of sexual misconduct, excessive force, and racial bias.
美国司法部为期两年的调查发现,伍斯特警察局允许警察与涉嫌从事性工作的女性进行性接触,并使用过度武力,包括泰瑟枪和头部打击。 The US Justice Department's two-year investigation found the Worcester Police Department allowed officers to engage in sexual contact with women suspected of sex work and used excessive force, including tasers and head strikes. 该报告还提出了对种族歧视性警务的担忧。 The report also raised concerns about racially discriminatory policing. 建议包括改进武力使用培训、强制使用随身摄像头以及要求警官报告不当行为。 Recommendations include improving training on force use, mandating body cameras, and requiring officers to report misconduct. 司法部(Justice Department)计划与市政府官员合作实施改革。 The Justice Department plans to work with city officials to implement reforms.