司法部的报告指责孟菲斯警察过度使用武力和种族偏见,点燃改革的呼声。 DOJ report accuses Memphis police of excessive force and racial bias, igniting calls for reform.
根据2023年Tyre Nichols死亡后的报告,美国司法部发现孟菲斯警察局过度使用武力,对黑人实行歧视。 The U.S. Department of Justice has found that the Memphis Police Department uses excessive force and discriminates against Black people, according to a report following the death of Tyre Nichols in 2023. 孟菲斯官员拒绝就联邦监督进行谈判,直到他们能够审查和质疑调查结果为止。 Memphis officials have refused to negotiate federal oversight until they can review and challenge the findings. 调查凸显了警察经常侵犯权利的情况,并引发了全国要求改革的呼声。 The investigation highlighted regular rights violations by police officers and has sparked national calls for reform.