奥地利取消对加入申根区的保加利亚和罗马尼亚的否决权,为成为正式成员铺平了道路。 Austria lifts veto on Bulgaria and Romania joining the Schengen Area, paving the way for full membership.
奥地利取消了对加入申根区的保加利亚和罗马尼亚的否决权,这样本周欧盟内政部长就可以批准它们成为正式成员。 Austria has lifted its veto on Bulgaria and Romania joining the Schengen Area, which could allow for their full membership to be approved by EU interior ministers this week. 这项决定是在联合保护边界的努力成功后作出的,这些努力大大减少了非法过境点。 This decision follows successful joint border protection efforts that significantly reduced illegal border crossings. 保加利亚和罗马尼亚于3月份部分加入申根,但面临陆地边界限制。 Bulgaria and Romania partially joined Schengen in March but faced restrictions on land borders. 奥地利的批准是他们到2025年1月全面融入申根自由旅行区的关键一步。 Austria's approval is a key step towards their full integration into the Schengen free-travel zone by January 2025.