新西兰就一项14.7亿美元的库克群岛海峡渡轮项目进行辩论,该项目面临延误,并呼吁铁路投资。 New Zealand debates a $1.47 billion Cook Strait ferry project, facing delays and calls for rail investment.
新西兰政府将在本周就库克群岛渡轮的未来作出决定,考虑一个14.7亿美元的项目,该项目由于港口基础设施费用而面临拖延。 The New Zealand government will decide on the future of the Cook Strait ferries this week, considering a $1.47 billion project that faced delays due to port infrastructure costs. 该计划可能涉及二手船只,重点是地震抗御能力和终极舒适。 The plan may involve second-hand boats and focuses on earthquake resilience and terminal comfort. 劳工议员Arena Williams批评政府拖延, 并敦促对铁路基础设施进行长期投资, Labour MP Arena Williams criticizes the government for delays and urges a long-term investment in rail infrastructure to support economic and regional resilience.