早产卵巢不足症新指南,早期诊断和个性化治疗。 New guidelines for premature ovarian insufficiency stress earlier diagnosis and personalized treatments.
国际卫生组织制定了关于早产卵巢不足的新准则,包括早期诊断和个性化治疗的建议。 New guidelines for premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) have been developed by international health organizations, including recommendations for earlier diagnosis and personalized treatments. 这些准则涉及145项建议,强调个性化荷尔蒙疗法对减轻症状和预防疾病的重要性。 The guidelines, involving 145 recommendations, emphasize the importance of personalized hormone therapy for symptom relief and disease prevention. 一项关键变化是,仅用一个较高水平的FSH和至少四个月的不定期期来诊断POI。 A key change is diagnosing POI with just one elevated FSH level and irregular periods for at least four months. 这些准则还涉及遗传原因、肌肉健康和非临床疗法。 The guidelines also cover genetic causes, muscle health, and non-hormonal therapies.