MLA辩论牛的强制性价格报告问题,担心它可能损害该行业。 MLA debates mandatory price reporting for cattle, with concerns it may harm the industry.
在司法协助机制的AGM会议上,讨论了对加工牛强制性价格报告的辩论。 At MLA's AGM, the debate over mandatory price reporting for processor cattle was discussed. 要求强制性报告超市牛肉价格的呼吁旨在解决零售价格和农民付款之间的差异。 Calls for mandatory reporting of supermarket beef prices aim to address discrepancies between retail prices and farmer payments. 加工者认为,理解农场数据至关重要。 Processors argue that understanding farm data is crucial. 尽管自2017年ACCC建议以来,国家年轻牛群指标有所改进,但MAL主任认为,强制性报告可能会助长商品的心态,从而损害该行业。 Despite improvements like the National Young Cattle Indicator since ACCC recommendations in 2017, MLA's director believes mandatory reporting could harm the industry by fostering a commodity mindset. 相反,他主张以价值为基础的营销。 He advocates for value-based marketing instead.