爱尔兰政治家Ken O'Flynn敦促小政党加入联盟,提出经济救援措施。 Irish politician Ken O'Flynn urges smaller parties to join coalitions, proposes economic relief measures.
新当选的独立爱尔兰 TD Ken O'Flynn敦促小党不要害怕加入政府联盟、倡导妥协和充当监督员防止超支。 Newly elected Independent Ireland TD Ken O'Flynn urges smaller parties not to fear joining government coalitions, advocating for compromise and acting as watchdogs against overspending. O'Flynn提出一些政策,例如11月对工人实行一个月的USC豁免,以支持经济和劳动者。 O'Flynn proposes policies like a one-month USC exemption for workers in November to support the economy and working people. 他所在的政党还注重解决能源成本问题和支持小企业。 His party also focuses on addressing energy costs and supporting small businesses.