爱尔兰新议会开会, Verona Murphy 赞成在五名候选人中发言。 Ireland's new parliament meets, with Verona Murphy favored to become the speaker among five candidates.
爱尔兰新议会以五名候选人的身份召集议长(Ceann Comhairle)竞选。 Ireland's new parliament convenes as five candidates vie for the role of speaker (Ceann Comhairle). 现任政府由爱尔兰内战对立方的政党组成,寻求独立立法者的支持,以确保多数人当选。 The incumbent government, formed by parties from opposing sides of Ireland's Civil War, seeks support from independent lawmakers to secure a majority. 区域小组的候选人Verona Murphy在Fianna Fail和Fine Gael领导人的支持下获得支持。 The Regional Group's candidate, Verona Murphy, is favored, backed by Fianna Fail and Fine Gael leaders. 其他竞争者包括来自Fianna Fauna Fail的John McGuinness和Michael Moynihan, 以及新芬党的Aengus O Snodaigh, 他们承诺如果当选,将削减工资。 Other contenders include John McGuinness and Michael Moynihan from Fianna Fail, and Sinn Fein's Aengus O Snodaigh, who has pledged a salary cut if elected.