印度工人在适应人工智能方面领先,尽管存在障碍,70%的印度工人积极提高技能。 Indian workers are leading in adapting to AI, with 70% actively upskilling despite barriers.
根据GLMC的一份报告,印度工人在适应人工智能和技术进步方面处于前列。 Indian workers are at the forefront of adapting to AI and technological advancements, according to a GLMC report. 印度70%的专业人士都在积极提高技能, 31%的印度人相信政府会支持他们的努力。 The study, titled "Navigating Tomorrow," highlights that 70% of Indian professionals are actively upskilling, with 31% trusting their government to support these efforts. 气候变化也是促进再生产的重要动力,32%的工人将气候变化作为因素。 Climate change is also a significant motivator for reskilling, with 32% of workers citing it as a factor. 尽管面临时间和财政限制等障碍,但55%的印度工人优先提高技能,与发达国家相比,自动化的前景更加乐观。 Despite facing barriers like time and financial constraints, 55% of Indian workers prioritize upskilling, reflecting a more optimistic outlook on automation compared to developed countries.