周日早些时候在Camberburg发生的一辆食品卡车爆炸损坏了附近的房屋,但没有造成人员伤亡。 A food truck explosion in Chambersburg early Sunday damaged nearby homes but left no injuries.
星期日上午2时,一辆食品卡车在Camberburg的Ramsey和Wilson大道发生爆炸,损坏附近房屋,但没有造成人员伤亡。 A food truck exploded at 2 a.m. Sunday at Ramsey and Wilson Avenues in Chambersburg, damaging nearby homes but causing no injuries. 汉布斯堡消防员的反应是发现碎片散落、小火和丙烷泄漏,他们迅速控制了这种泄漏。 Chambersburg firefighters responded to find debris scattered, a small fire, and a propane leak, which they quickly contained. 州警察消防局局长正在调查爆炸原因,该地区仍然关闭。 The State Police Fire Marshal is investigating the cause of the explosion, and the area remains closed.