纽约Strand书店的雇员在节假日罢工,要求提高工资。 Employees at Strand Bookstore in New York strike for higher wages during the holiday season.
纽约市书店雇员罢工,要求将工资从目前的16小时工资提高到合同第一年的18美元。 Employees at New York City's Strand Bookstore went on strike, demanding a pay increase from the current $16 hourly wage to $18 in the first year of their contract. 110名工会工人与管理层有争议,管理层提供的加薪较小。 The 110 unionized workers are in dispute with management, which has offered a smaller raise. 罢工发生在繁忙的节假日,工会要求顾客通过避免在商店购物来支持其事业。 The strike occurs during the busy holiday season, with the union asking customers to support their cause by avoiding purchases at the store.