研究显示,在奇怪的时间吃东西,比如晚上, 可能会削弱皮肤的紫外线防护, 增加皮肤癌的风险。 Eating at odd times, like night, may weaken skin's UV defense, raising skin cancer risk, study suggests.
一项研究表明,在不寻常的时间,特别是在夜间进食,会扰乱身体的内钟,削弱防范有害的紫外线辐射的能力,并可能增加皮肤癌和老龄化的风险。 A study indicates that eating at unusual times, particularly at night, can disrupt the body's internal clock, weakening defenses against harmful UV radiation and potentially increasing risks of skin cancer and aging. 研究人员发现,在白天(夜间动物的异常时间)喂食的小鼠因 UVB 暴露而遭受更多的皮肤损伤。 Researchers found that mice fed during daytime, an abnormal time for nocturnal animals, suffered more skin damage from UVB exposure. 这凸显了保持定期饮食时间表以防范皮肤损伤的重要性。 This highlights the importance of maintaining regular eating schedules to protect against skin damage.